CreateSharedRegion: kr malloc Numerical result out of range

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Hey Bert,

Thank you for your time and trying to help me solve this problem.

I've tried it twice in what I think to be idealized and improved idealized situations with your numbers and it still seems to not be working for me. How did you arrive at those numbers and what might be different with my system than yours that's causing the problem?

Let me know if you need the full files for any reason or more info of some sort.

(Job file1)
#$ -N Title
#$ -pe threads 26
#$ -l mem=3500M
#$ -q medium_chi
#$ -l proc_vendor=AMD
#$ -cwd
force coredumpsize 1
module load nwchem/6.1
/data/apps/openmpi/1.4.3-gcc/bin/mpirun nwchem macrofe_vibded.nw > macrofe_vibded.out
(/Job file1)
title "macrovib"
scratch_dir /somedirectories/.scratch
memory heap 100 mb stack 1000 mb global 2400 mb
geometry noautoz
Tons and Tons of Geo
charge 2
 * library 6-31g**
 xc b3lyp
 iterations 1000
 grid nodisk
 maxiter 1000
task dft freq
     2   2 0 0   -215.909422 -13516.764569 -13516.764569  26817.619717
     2   1 1 0     -7.361729      9.715923      9.715923    -26.793575
     2   1 0 1      0.102928     -0.219199     -0.219199      0.541326
     2   0 2 0   -190.652630 -18119.815610 -18119.815610  36048.978590
     2   0 1 1      0.084968     -0.339414     -0.339414      0.763796
     2   0 0 2   -261.530067  -3482.457806  -3482.457806   6703.385545
0:0:ndai_get failed:: -1977
(rank:0 hostname:chi16 pid:23323):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-1/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0
****************************** Run 2 ************************************
(Job file2)
#$ -N macfe_ded
#$ -pe threads 24
#$ -l mem=4G
#$ -q medium_chi
#$ -l proc_vendor=AMD
#$ -cwd
force coredumpsize 1
module load nwchem/6.1
/data/apps/openmpi/1.4.3-gcc/bin/mpirun nwchem macrofe_vibded.nw > macrofe_vibded.out
(/job file2)
Identical save...
memory heap 117 mb stack 1171 mb global 2808 mb
     2   2 0 0   -215.909422 -13516.764569 -13516.764569  26817.619717
     2   1 1 0     -7.361729      9.715923      9.715923    -26.793575
     2   1 0 1      0.102928     -0.219199     -0.219199      0.541326
     2   0 2 0   -190.652630 -18119.815610 -18119.815610  36048.978590
     2   0 1 1      0.084968     -0.339414     -0.339414      0.763796
     2   0 0 2   -261.530067  -3482.457806  -3482.457806   6703.385545
0:0:ndai_get failed:: -1977
(rank:0 hostname:chi14 pid:14312):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-1/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0

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