clearing shared memory from unterminated processes

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My bad. It had to be killall -9 nwchem. Now the processes are killed. Thank you.

Quote:Tpirojsi Nov 27th 7:36 pm
Hi Huub,

Thank you for your advice. How do I check which processes those are and kill them as you suggested? The processes have hung there for a while and don't seem to dettach themselves.

I have logged in to the nodes that unterminated processes reside. I puched in top command and saw many nwchem processes running but when I tried pkill nwchem or killall nwchem they didn't work.


Quote:Huub Nov 27th 6:55 pm
Hi Tee,
Using ipcrm will only clear a shared memory segment up when there are no processes attached to it (nattch 0 as you found). In your example there are still 12 processes attached to the shared memory region. Therefore the shared memory region will be deleted only when those 12 processes detach from it. One way to force the processes to detach is to kill them (if you know which processes those are), otherwise the processes will automatically detach when the calculation completes and the processes terminate. Whichever way as soon as the processes detach the shared memory segment will automatically disappear if you previously scheduled it for deletion using ipcrm.
I hope this helps, Huub

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