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file prefix: insufficient space 30 error.

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I have been running the following file on a cluster.
title "total energy of UO2(NO2)2 with PSPW method"
start uo2no22-pspw-geom-pbe0-18
  U     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
  O     0.000000     0.000000     1.720000
  O     0.000000     0.000000    -1.720000
  N     3.040000     0.000000     0.000000
  N    -3.040000     0.000000     0.000000
  O     2.540000     1.220000     0.000000
  O     2.540000    -1.220000     0.000000
  O    -2.540000    -1.220000     0.000000
  O    -2.540000     1.220000     0.000000
  O     4.240000     0.000000     0.000000
  O    -4.240000     0.000000     0.000000
charge 0
    SC 20.0
  cutoff 12.0
  mult 1
  xc pbe0
task pspw optimize

I am trying to ascertain convergence w.r.t. cutoff energy right now. Although I previously ran the identical input except for a different ecut (15 instead of 12) successfully, I now consistently get an error claiming that there is insufficient space.
(echo of input and other preliminary material)
                                 internuclear angles
        center 1       |       center 2       |       center 3       |  degrees
    2 O                |   1 U                |   3 O                |   180.00
    2 O                |   1 U                |   6 O                |    90.00
    2 O                |   1 U                |   7 O                |    90.00
    2 O                |   1 U                |   8 O                |    90.00
    2 O                |   1 U                |   9 O                |    90.00
    3 O                |   1 U                |   6 O                |    90.00
    3 O                |   1 U                |   7 O                |    90.00
    3 O                |   1 U                |   8 O                |    90.00
    3 O                |   1 U                |   9 O                |    90.00
    6 O                |   1 U                |   7 O                |    51.31
    6 O                |   1 U                |   8 O                |   180.00
    6 O                |   1 U                |   9 O                |   128.69
    7 O                |   1 U                |   8 O                |   128.69
    7 O                |   1 U                |   9 O                |   180.00
    8 O                |   1 U                |   9 O                |    51.31
    6 O                |   4 N                |   7 O                |   135.43
    6 O                |   4 N                |  10 O                |   112.29
    7 O                |   4 N                |  10 O                |   112.29
    8 O                |   5 N                |   9 O                |   135.43
    8 O                |   5 N                |  11 O                |   112.29
    9 O                |   5 N                |  11 O                |   112.29
    1 U                |   6 O                |   4 N                |    86.63
    1 U                |   7 O                |   4 N                |    86.63
    1 U                |   8 O                |   5 N                |    86.63
    1 U                |   9 O                |   5 N                |    86.63
                            number of included internuclear angles:         25
  file_prefix: name = movecs
  file_prefix: prfx = uo2no22-pspw-geom-pbe0-18                                 
 file_prefix: insufficient space        30
  current input line : 
    18: nwpw
 An error occured while trying to read or write to disk space
 For more information see the NWChem manual at
 For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Last System Error Message from Task 0:: Inappropriate ioctl for device
0:0:file_prefix: insufficient space:: 30
(rank:0 hostname:taub392 pid:32093):ARMCI DASSERT fail. armci.c:ARMCI_Error():260 cond:0
  0: ARMCI aborting 0 (0).
  0: ARMCI aborting 0 (0).
system error message: Invalid argument

I have tried running in scratch as well as my home directory so disk space shouldn't be a problem, especially if I previously was able to run this input (and have cleaned up the output). Is there another error that can arise with NWChem which can give rise to this error, or should I take this up with the batch system administrator? Thanks.
Edited On 1:32:09 PM PDT - Wed, Nov 2nd 2011 by Davis68

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