Input file for GaAs geometry optimization

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  • Guest -
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Hi all,
can you suggest an input file to do DFT geometry optimization for GaAs? I can't get it working (something about the choice of basis set, functional). Thank you!

  • Bert Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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Gaussian DFT or plane waves? Could you copy the input file in a post so we have some information we can use to help you?



Quote: May 30th 6:19 am
Hi all,
can you suggest an input file to do DFT geometry optimization for GaAs? I can't get it working (something about the choice of basis set, functional). Thank you!

  • Guest -
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Hi Bert,

My trial input looks like:

Jun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local Time~
title "GaAs"

geometry units angstroms
Ga 0.0 0.0 -2.5
As 0.0 0.0 2.5

Ga library sto-3g
As library sto-3g

dft; direct; end

task dft optimize
Jun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local Time192.122.131.20

The goal is to optimize accurately the GaAs structure (using quality DFT functional). Either PW or Gaussian (any would do,
or as required by accuracy goal).

  • Bert Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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Well, a couple of things here. Having a Ga and As separated by 5 angstroms is creating some of your problems, try a more realistic bond length like 2.0, i.e.

geometry units angstroms
Ga 0.0 0.0 -1.0
As 0.0 0.0 1.0

You will need to increase the number of iterations:

dft; iterations 300; direct; end

Also, I hope you're going to use a reasonable basis set and not the minimal sto-3g.

You hinted at the calculation not being able to find a basis set. If this is another issue, you should set NWCHEM_BASIS_LIBRARY to point to the location where the NWChem basis sets are on your machine (if you build from source it will be in <nwchem-path>/src/basis/libraries)

  setenv NWCHEM_BASIS_LIBRARY <nwchem-path>/src/basis/libraries/

Hope this helps,


Quote: Jun 2nd 9:19 am
Hi Bert,

My trial input looks like:

Jun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local Time~
title "GaAs"

geometry units angstroms
Ga 0.0 0.0 -2.5
As 0.0 0.0 2.5

Ga library sto-3g
As library sto-3g

dft; direct; end

task dft optimize
Jun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local Time192.122.131.20

The goal is to optimize accurately the GaAs structure (using quality DFT functional). Either PW or Gaussian (any would do,
or as required by accuracy goal).

  • Niri Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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Are you trying to do perform a periodic or molecular calculation ?

Our Gaussian basis DFT module is for molecular systems while the planewave module can handle periodic systems. Your input specifications above will invoke the Gaussian DFT module. In other words, the calculation will only be performed on 2 atoms.


  • Guest -
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Progress on GaAs
Hi Bert and Niri,

thanks for your quick replays. I reply to each below in detail. Additionally, do you know any way in NWChem to access 1) the band occupation numbers (ie, to change them at will) and 2) to calculate dipole transition moments (ie, <km|x,y,z|k'n> or momentum operator transitions)? Even to have the wave functions numerically could help by doing the dipole elements with quadrature (though not so accurately).

For Bert:
I went to 2 Angstr for the bond length. I tried some aug-cc-pvdz. Not much success. Could you suggest a suitable basis set for GaAs? At this point, I would be happy to see a converged calculation (ground state energy) at a given bond length (say 2 Angstrom).

For Niri:
A molecular calculation is wanted. As you can see above, I am missing some good basis set for GaAs. Basically, i would like to see a converged energy calculation at fixed bond length.

Thank you!

  • Bert Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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The input deck below works fine for me:

title "GaAs"

geometry units angstroms
Ga 0.0 0.0 -1.5
As 0.0 0.0 1.5

Ga library aug-cc-pvdz
As library aug-cc-pvdz

iterations 300

task dft optimize

The first DFT converges in 29 steps. The geometry optimization converges in 7 steps to a bond length of 2.15429 Angstrom.

If you cannot reproduce this I wonder if something is up with your binary.


Quote: Jun 6th 6:14 am
Hi Bert and Niri,

thanks for your quick replays. I reply to each below in detail. Additionally, do you know any way in NWChem to access 1) the band occupation numbers (ie, to change them at will) and 2) to calculate dipole transition moments (ie, <km|x,y,z|k'n> or momentum operator transitions)? Even to have the wave functions numerically could help by doing the dipole elements with quadrature (though not so accurately).

For Bert:
I went to 2 Angstr for the bond length. I tried some aug-cc-pvdz. Not much success. Could you suggest a suitable basis set for GaAs? At this point, I would be happy to see a converged calculation (ground state energy) at a given bond length (say 2 Angstrom).

For Niri:
A molecular calculation is wanted. As you can see above, I am missing some good basis set for GaAs. Basically, i would like to see a converged energy calculation at fixed bond length.

Thank you!

  • Guest -
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Working well so far...
Hi Bert,

this one is working indeed . Thank you!

Once optimized, is it now difficult to do a band structure plot? Or is that not implemented in NWChem? I saw that one can give the individual k point when asking for the energy levels (even then, I am not sure i know where to read for the energy levels at that given k -point). Here is what I used (and working):

title "GaAs"

geometry units angstroms
Ga 0.0 0.0 0
As 0.0 0.0 2.15429

Ga library aug-cc-pvdz
As library aug-cc-pvdz


iterations 300


task dft energy


  ZONE_NAME zone_1
KVECTOR 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0


  • Niri Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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You performed a Gaussian basis set DFT calculation. Our Gaussian basis set module is purely for molecular or finite systems. If you want a band structure, you need to run the plane wave module for this system

Check the following tutorial in the Plane Wave DFT documentation page. It shows you how to performa band structure calculation on diamond.


  • Guest -
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Thank you. For the PW approach, I encounter some difficulties with running the script. I put below the file for the band structure (inspired from the diamond example). At some points, it crashes

"0:0:cpsi_data_alloc: out of heap memory:: 0 ..."

Jun 13th 7:41 am Local TimeJun 13th 7:41 am Local Time192.122.131.20
title "GaAs"

permanent_dir ./

start GaAs

memory 3000 mb

geometry center noautosym noautoz print
 system crystal 
lat_a 5.4d0
lat_b 5.4d0
lat_c 5.4d0
alpha 90.0d0
beta 90.0d0
gamma 90.0d0
Ga 0.00000d0 0.00000d0 0.00000d0
As 0.25000d0 0.25000d0 0.25000d0

 ewald_rcut 3.0
ewald_ncut 8 #The default value of 1 needs to be increased
xc pbe96

 monkhorst-pack 9 9 9

task band energy

  virtual 16
zone_name fccpath
path fcc l gamma x w k gamma
zone_structure_name fccpath

task band structure

Jun 13th 7:41 am Local TimeJun 13th 7:41 am Local Time192.122.131.20

  • Bert Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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Try "memory heap 1400 stack 1500 global 100 mb"


Quote: Jun 13th 7:41 am
Thank you. For the PW approach, I encounter some difficulties with running the script. I put below the file for the band structure (inspired from the diamond example). At some points, it crashes

"0:0:cpsi_data_alloc: out of heap memory:: 0 ..."

Jun 13th 7:41 am Local TimeJun 13th 7:41 am Local Time192.122.131.20
title "GaAs"

permanent_dir ./

start GaAs

memory 3000 mb

geometry center noautosym noautoz print
 system crystal 
lat_a 5.4d0
lat_b 5.4d0
lat_c 5.4d0
alpha 90.0d0
beta 90.0d0
gamma 90.0d0
Ga 0.00000d0 0.00000d0 0.00000d0
As 0.25000d0 0.25000d0 0.25000d0

 ewald_rcut 3.0
ewald_ncut 8 #The default value of 1 needs to be increased
xc pbe96

 monkhorst-pack 9 9 9

task band energy

  virtual 16
zone_name fccpath
path fcc l gamma x w k gamma
zone_structure_name fccpath

task band structure

Jun 13th 7:41 am Local TimeJun 13th 7:41 am Local Time192.122.131.20

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