Partial charges on the atom

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Hi all,

Is it possible to have a partial charge when doing a QM energy calculation in nwchem? or is that even possible in Quantum physic calculation?

Thank you!

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Within the geometry block, you can specify an arbitrary nuclear charge for each atom. The charge directive is then used to set the number of electrons in the system with the constraint that the number of electrons must be an integer. So it is possible for the total charge of the systems to be non-integer, but the number of electrons must always be an integer.
For example:

H  0.0  0.0 -0.5 charge 1.25
H 0.0 0.0 0.5 charge 1.25
charge 0.5

would simulate H2 with 2 electrons and a total charge of 0.5


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Thank you, however I have an error after submitting this input file:

start MgMOF-74
title "MgMOF-74"

memory 5000 mb
C 8.59886355 17.68912997 15.23024421
O 7.79422064 18.43388815 14.85345853
O 9.40505759 16.94410501 15.60704709
Mg 7.88418289 20.67609980 14.51097681 charge 13.5
 C library 6-31+G*
O library 6-31+G*
Mg library 6-31+G*
charge 1.5


It gives me this error:

Superposition of Atomic Density Guess

      • The number of electrons -1 in the ECP does not
accord with a known set of completely filled shells !!!
unrecognised pseudopotential 911
There is an error in the input file
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

Can you help me with that because I do not know what is wrong. Thank you!

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The error is being caused by the assigned nuclear charge not playing nice with the set up for the atomic scf guess. The easiest fix is to switch your initial guess to hcore, i.e.

vectors input hcore

This should eliminate the error and my test calculation ran successfully.


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Thanks it is working now!

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Thanks it is working now!

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Thanks it is working now!

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Thanks it is working now!

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