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DFT Projecting from a Small Basis into a Large Basis

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Dear NWChem Users,
I have been trying to run DFT calculations, and the large basis by itself seems to land on the wrong answer. So I added a small basis guess before the large basis calculation and get the following results. I only copied the bottom 100 lines of the output. Thank you for any help.

Input File:

title "set COR index BkyplateBkyplate-50.0-3.7 Coronene-Coronene Stacked at 3.7 A with curvature of 50.0 deg."

memory total 1000 mb noverify

charge 0
geometry units angstroms
X 1 XX
X 2 XX 1 A0
C 3 CX 2 A0 1 0.0
C 3 CX 2 A0 1 60.0
C 3 CX 2 A0 1 120.0
C 3 CX 2 A0 1 180.0
C 3 CX 2 A0 1 240.0
C 3 CX 2 A0 1 300.0
C 4 CC 5 A1 6 D1
C 5 CC 6 A1 7 D1
C 6 CC 7 A1 8 D1
C 7 CC 8 A1 9 D1
C 8 CC 9 A1 4 D1
C 9 CC 4 A1 5 D1
C 10 CC 11 A2 5 D2
C 11 CC 10 A2 4 D2n
C 11 CC 12 A2 6 D2
C 12 CC 11 A2 5 D2n
C 12 CC 13 A2 7 D2
C 13 CC 12 A2 6 D2n
C 13 CC 14 A2 8 D2
C 14 CC 13 A2 7 D2n
C 14 CC 15 A2 9 D2
C 15 CC 14 A2 8 D2n
C 15 CC 10 A2 4 D2
C 10 CC 15 A2 9 D2n
H 16 CH 17 A3 11 D2
H 17 CH 16 A3 10 D2n
H 18 CH 19 A3 12 D2
H 19 CH 18 A3 11 D2n
H 20 CH 21 A3 13 D2
H 21 CH 20 A3 12 D2n
H 22 CH 23 A3 14 D2
H 23 CH 22 A3 13 D2n
H 24 CH 25 A3 15 D2
H 25 CH 24 A3 14 D2n
H 26 CH 27 A3 10 D2
H 27 CH 26 A3 15 D2n
X 1 R 2 A0 3 180.0
X 40 XX 1 A0 2 0.0
X 41 XX 40 A0 1 0.0
C 42 CX 41 A0 40 0.0
C 42 CX 41 A0 40 60.0
C 42 CX 41 A0 40 120.0
C 42 CX 41 A0 40 180.0
C 42 CX 41 A0 40 240.0
C 42 CX 41 A0 40 300.0
C 43 CC 44 A1 45 D1
C 44 CC 45 A1 46 D1
C 45 CC 46 A1 47 D1
C 46 CC 47 A1 48 D1
C 47 CC 48 A1 43 D1
C 48 CC 43 A1 44 D1
C 49 CC 50 A2 44 D2
C 50 CC 49 A2 43 D2n
C 50 CC 51 A2 45 D2
C 51 CC 50 A2 44 D2n
C 51 CC 52 A2 46 D2
C 52 CC 51 A2 45 D2n
C 52 CC 53 A2 47 D2
C 53 CC 52 A2 46 D2n
C 53 CC 54 A2 48 D2
C 54 CC 53 A2 47 D2n
C 54 CC 49 A2 43 D2
C 49 CC 54 A2 48 D2n
H 55 CH 56 A3 50 D2
H 56 CH 55 A3 49 D2n
H 57 CH 58 A3 51 D2
H 58 CH 57 A3 50 D2n
H 59 CH 60 A3 52 D2
H 60 CH 59 A3 51 D2n
H 61 CH 62 A3 53 D2
H 62 CH 61 A3 52 D2n
H 63 CH 64 A3 54 D2
H 64 CH 63 A3 53 D2n
H 65 CH 66 A3 49 D2
H 66 CH 65 A3 54 D2n
XX 1.0
CX 1.3915
CC 1.3915
CH 1.08
A0 90.0
A1 117.621130347558
A2 62.3788696524421
A3 121.189434826221
D1 155
D2 180
D2n -180
R 3.7

basis "smallbasis" spherical
 * library sto-3g
basis "bigbasis" spherical
  C  library aug-cc-pVDZ
H library cc-pVDZ

set "ao basis" "smallbasis"
 xc b3lyp
grid fine
iterations 500
tolerances tight
vectors input atomic output "4.movecs"
task dft

set "ao basis" "bigbasis"
  xc b3lyp
convergence energy 1e-8
convergence density 1e-8
convergence gradient 1e-6
vectors input project "smallbasis" "4.movecs"
grid fine
tolerances tight
iterations 500

task dft


WARNING : Found    79 linear dependencies
S eigenvalue threshold: 1.00000E-05
Smallest S eigenvalue : 5.12228E-10
Largest S eigenvalue : 9.01593E-06

!! The overlap matrix has  79 vectors deemed linearly dependent with
5.12D-10 2.92D-09 1.48D-08 3.20D-08 8.67D-08 8.79D-08 9.48D-08 9.48D-08
1.00D-07 1.00D-07 1.23D-07 1.38D-07 1.64D-07 1.96D-07 1.96D-07 2.37D-07
3.25D-07 3.67D-07 4.23D-07 4.23D-07 4.50D-07 4.62D-07 4.62D-07 5.70D-07
5.70D-07 5.89D-07 6.84D-07 6.84D-07 8.50D-07 8.50D-07 8.72D-07 8.72D-07
1.00D-06 1.00D-06 1.08D-06 1.32D-06 1.34D-06 1.34D-06 1.37D-06 1.37D-06
1.51D-06 1.51D-06 1.61D-06 1.61D-06 1.87D-06 1.87D-06 2.23D-06 2.35D-06
2.35D-06 2.58D-06 2.58D-06 2.69D-06 2.95D-06 2.99D-06 3.92D-06 4.09D-06
4.09D-06 4.10D-06 4.10D-06 4.24D-06 5.32D-06 5.32D-06 5.44D-06 5.44D-06
5.69D-06 5.69D-06 5.78D-06 6.15D-06 6.48D-06 6.48D-06 6.50D-06 6.93D-06
6.93D-06 7.59D-06 7.59D-06 7.89D-06 8.03D-06 8.03D-06 9.02D-06

   Orbital projection guess
movecs_read_header: title too short 102
current input line :
137: task dft
There is an error in the input file
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:
Edited On 6:29:25 AM PDT - Thu, Mar 29th 2012 by Mkennedy8

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1) Your failure to use the vectors projected guess is due to the fact that you hit a bug when the title is longer of 80 characters (your is 102). We will provide a fix for this in future NWChem releases.

2) Instead of using the projected guess, a more successful strategy for this case is to use the default atomic guess, but to skip the non-variational SCF that the NWChem DFT code does before starting the regular SCF. Here is a snippet of the code that allows you to do this (by using the "set quickguess t" directive)

Cheers, Edo

set "ao basis" "bigbasis"
xc b3lyp
tolerances tight
vectors input atomic
set quickguess t
task dft

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